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Leading Information Security & Computer Forensics Training Company

Unit 12 Grange Road Office Park
Grange Road
DUB 16
Fax: 01 6854273
01 6854942
086 6666263
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About Us

Digicore is a leading Information Security & Computer Forensics Training company offering world renowned University accredited qualifications, together with specialist products and services.

As an Accredited Training Provider for 7Safe Ltd - the UK's most respected computer security company, Digicore represents the latest technology and innovation at the cutting edge of the information security industry.

Digicore's accredited training programmes in conjunction with the University of Bedfordshire represent real world education in practical lab environments. Our philosophy of "learning by doing" immerses candidates in the practical elements of security and not just the theoretical concepts.

MSc in Computer Security and Forensics

Digicore together with 7Safe and The University of Bedfordshire have partnered together to offer a Masters in Computer Security & Forensics. To be awarded this MSc, delegates are required to attend seven training courses, pass the accompanying CSTA, CSTP, CWSA, CFIP, CMI, CSIS, and CIIP examinations and successfully complete written assignments. The assignments reflect the content of the courses and are marked by the University.

Delegates are also required to complete a written Independent Study Module and an MSc Project Dissertation (thesis).

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